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Looking for the Dream Job: The Graduate Story

  In 2016, I joined the growing population of college graduates with a degree in Professional Writing. I am proud of my degree  because it relates to something that I love to do more than anything: read, write and develop original ideas. People like me see all of the shades of gray that others miss because they concentrate too much on the big picture. 

   My most important goal in my life is to take what I learned in school and apply those lessons in the professional world. Going into publishing or journalism are routes that I would like to pursue in the future. But my dreams extend further than that. 
   I want to find a place where writing and comprehension skills are essential. My dream job needs young employees who find new ways to use their creative potential.

   On the bottom of my resume, there is a quote by Teddy Roosevelt. He once said, "The best prize in life by far is to work hard at work worth doing." I believe he meant that it is not enough just to clock in hours during the day and go home every night. People want to feel like their job is an asset of their overall identity. In other words, I am looking for a  job where I can be part of something more, solve challenges and feel happy to come in every day. 

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